React Hook - Use wait for transaction hash

Hi there,
It's been a while when I am working on react-hook library. Let me share with you about my journey when I wrote this library.
If you have ever worked with blockchain, ETH is my case, after submitting a transaction to the network, you will get a transaction hash. From the end-user perspective, you need to tell the result of that transaction: fail or success.
I tried to search and found a good library but it's not free :)
Then I asked myself, could I write simple react-hook ? I think that would not be tricky for me to do so.
There is a solution comes up to my mind right away. That's "HTTP polling" technic. Basically, it will have a timer (interval) for constantly calling and check the transaction result.
import { useWaitForTransactionHash } from 'use-wait-for-transaction-hash';
interface Props {
providerUrl: string;
transactionHash: string;
function Notify({ providerUrl, transactionHash }: Props) {
const { status } = useWaitForTransactionHash({
hash: transactionHash,
return (
<pre>Hash: {transactionHash}</pre>
<pre>Provider Url: {providerUrl}</pre>
<pre>Status: {status}</pre>